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1/8/2014: So... Small update here. I had to move servers and thus move my archives. I have moved most of it to my flickr account except for the videos. I hope the new flickr gallery will be easier to find and tag pictures. I am happy to report that I am married to a very talented artist and we spend most of our time working on creative projects together. We still attend cons when we can, and have about 14 costumes now between the 2 of us. Hope to see and meet you at a future con! Archived Info6/25/2006: Anthrocon 2006 Pictures & Califur 2006 Pictures are in the Gallery. Had a wonderful time with my mate and all my friends! 3/22/2006: Ok.. It's about damn time for an update here... I have been updating pictures for the most part but not this site. Since my last post, I have got a fursuit and have been suiting at a couple cons now. What a different experience. WHOLY COW! The difference is like night and day. If you are thinking of getting a suit, DO IT! You won't be disappointed. I can't believe I went this long without one. I met a lot of great new friends and have some incredible memories of the last couple cons. My last two cons were Further Confusion 2006 (FC) and Furry Weekend Atlanta 2006 (FWA). Be sure and check out the photos in my gallery. My suit is a fox by the way and for the time being, his name is Playfox. Check him out in my photo galleries and let me know what you think.
I like to meet new furs so feel free to say hi to me at the next Con, via e-mail or instant messenger. Fur Cons that I have attended:
1/27/2004: FC 2004 Pictures and Video clips are up. Follow the links on the left hand side to get to them. Enjoy! 1/26/2004: FC 2004 update: Well, first day back and I already miss the con. My girlfriend Cabby went with me and we had a great time! This year the events were a lot better then last year. Trendane really picked up the slack for the Varity show that started to slow d own, but Trendane and his little moose friend had the audience laughing hysterically as he mocked Aeto. This will be the last con I attend without a fur suite! Cabby and I will start building ours soon so we will be ready for next year. We both were more social and we met more suitors. Frizbee was obsessed with trying to take my girlfriend, so I am going to have to keep an eye out for him next year :P. Cabby and I also went to dinner a coup le nights in large groups, including attending furry chicken. I should have the pictures up shortly so you can all have a look at some of the new sui tes. 1/26/2004: Late update: I did finish the FC 2003 DVD a few months ago. I was trying to get it to Anthrocon, but I guess it did not make it because one of the DVD stamping machines in China broke down. I think the DVD is excellent and was one of the most complicated pr ojects I have ever been involved in. Most events that I shot were 3 camera shoots with several channels of audio including a source audio that was pr ovided to me on CD. On top of that, time code on the camera did not sync correctly so I had to lineup the video and audio together for each. That tu rned out to be a huge pain in the ass because I was using a Trinity editing machine which until recently crashed all the time with projects that were longer then 10 minutes (software patch corrected this). It took more then 200 hours of editing to put this DVD together and I know there are a couple glitches in the DVD, but the video quality is superb as I filmed them on high-end 3CCD camera that uses the Sony DVcam format (not miniDV). Critterl ympics did not fit on the DVD as the DVD already had over 4 hours of video. The copy I edited was placed on the web for download. The DVD was a Dual layer DVD (not dual sided) which is another pain in the ass because most authoring software does not support dual layer DVD's. You also have to writ e each layer to a DLT tape and submit it to the duplication house. Anyhow, check it out; I am very happy with it. You can get a copy at www.furtherconfusion.com 1/29/2003: I put up a small video clip as a gift for Brokken that I made last night. If anybody can tell me the name of the song that is playing I could make it even better. I also fixed the link for my video section. 1/27/2003: I am back from FC03 today. I should start going into depression soon and coming back to reality that the con is over. Thank you to my girlfriend Lyndsie who is keeping me sane. This con was not as good as last years, but it was still a good con. I got to meet a couple people that I really wanted to meet up with, namely Nexxus and Jurassic! Anyhow, I will have the FC pictures up by tomorrow. I only to ok about 600 this year, sorry. I shot about 40 hours of video though, so it should make for a great DVD. Now I just have to find time to edit it. S pecial thanks to Trendane for being so damn funny and Pocket Fox for having the cutest Fox. 1/15/2003:Well, I finally did it. I updated my website. It only took about 4 years! This site is now up on my own server so I can do some of the things that I have always wanted to. Thank you Matt! I like to meet new furs so feel free to say hi to me at the
next Con, via e-mail or instant messenger. |